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  • 展位號


  • 公司中文名稱:紅豆集團
    公司英文名稱:Hongdou Group Co.,Ltd.

  • 展品類別明細: 正裝、 都市休閑裝、 時尚女裝、 家居服、

  • 展品英文類別明細: Formal、 Urban Leisure、 Fashion Women’s Wear、 Home Wear、

  • 展品中文品牌:紅豆男裝紅豆居家、IDF依迪菲、ZUO左牌
    展品英文品牌:Hodo men\Hddo HOME\IDF\ZUO

  • 參展目的:

    1.商貿公司業務需求 Needs of Trade Services:

    尋求代理商/經銷商/招募加盟商Seeking Agents/Distributors/Franchising

    2.地方標準Needs on Market Regions:

    東北Northeast China
    華北 North China
    華中 Central China

    3.想要打開的百貨商店我司和選購核心 Department Stores& Shopping Malls that you would like to enter:

    4.國外投資整個市場要 Needs for Overseas Market ( Overseas brands don’t need to fill in):

    尋找的海外合作方式Overseas Cooperation:
    目標海外市場Target Overseas Market:

  • 單位了解

  • 紅豆集團是江蘇省重點企業集團,國務院120家深化改革試點企業之一。“紅豆”商標于1997年被國家工商局認定為中國馳名商標,“千里馬”商標于2012年獲中國馳名商標榮譽,是全國較少擁有兩個馳名商標的公司;同時,企業通過ISO9001:2008質量體系認證,擁有多個“中國名牌”產品。多年來,紅豆以優異的銷售業績穩居中國服裝業百強亞軍。2012年產銷同比增長15%,稅收同比增長29%。 紅豆以創民族品牌為己任,從企業草創的1957年,到走出困境的1983年,再到目前產業相對多元化,并大力推進品牌建設,實現轉型升級:由生產經營型向創造運營型轉變、由資產經營型向產融結合型轉變、由國內企業向跨國企業轉變、產業升級及競爭力升級。企業的產品也從最初的針織內衣,發展到服裝、橡膠輪胎、生物制藥、地產四大領域。2001年1月,“紅豆股份”在上交所交易,企業開始邁入資本經營。集團有十家子公司,其中一家為上市公司。在柬埔寨建立了11.13平方公里的工業園,擁有美國紐約、洛杉磯兩個境外分公司,產品出口20多個國家和地區。 1991年以來,集團榮獲省級以上榮譽200多項。2007年3月,“紅豆”品牌榮獲中國服裝行業最高殊榮——成就大獎。2007年4月,紅豆成為國內首家通過“CSC9000T企業社會責任”認證的企業。紅豆集團因其在過去一年推行卓越績效取得的優異成績,成為16家獲得“2009度全國紡織實施卓越績效模式先進企業”之一。2010年6月,紅豆集團被國家工商總局認定為首批商標戰略實施示范企業,成為江蘇唯一一家入選企業。2011年7月,紅豆集團黨委被評為全國先進基層黨組織。2011年11月,紅豆集團獲得“CCTV中國年度品牌”。2012年5月,紅豆集團技術中心被評為國家級技術中心。 在努力發展經濟的同時,紅豆不斷加大回饋社會的力度,多年來,對外捐款、捐物超3億元,同時,集團也不斷提高員工收入,使員工分享企業的發展成果。紅豆建立的人才、技術、產品、管理、文化的創新機制,成為企業騰飛的強大助力。實施“百才工程”引進國內外高級人才,截至目前,已引進包括男裝設計總監廉鶴善、男裝商品企劃總監北山淑子等海內外高級人才60多人。集團還積極探索了現代企業制度+企業黨建+企業社會責任的“紅豆模式”,受到社會的廣泛關注和好評,使企業管理更加科學、規范。競爭上崗、制度選人等制度的推行,使企業充滿活力。近幾年,集團加速轉型升級,加快品牌連鎖專賣網絡體系建設,使企業后勁十足。 今后,紅豆將通過繼續舉辦“七夕•紅豆相思節”等活動,提升品牌文化含量,成為“中國第一文化品牌”,向“規模化、現代化、國際化、信息化、學校化”和“打造百年跨國企業”的目標前進。

  • 知名品牌分享

  • 國外英文單位簡紹

  • The HOdo Group, a key conglomerate in Jiangsu province, is one of the 120 pilot enterprises which are supported to reform deeply by the State Council. As the two trademarks——HOdo and CELIMO were recognized as Chinese well-known trademarks separately in 1997 and 2012 by the state administration for industry and commerce, the HOdo Group became one of the rare enterprises which have two Chinese well-known trademarks. In addition, the HOdo Group, certificated by ISO 9001: 2008 Quality System, possesses some famous brands. With the outstanding sales performance, the HOdo Group has occupied the second place among the Top 100 Company in the clothing industry over the years. In 2012, the total output and Sales volume increased by 15% and the taxation rose by 29%. Taking the responsibility for building national brands, the HOdo Group started in 1957 and broke through the dilemma in 1983. In order to proceed its transformation and upgrading, it operates relatively diverse industries and devotes major efforts to promote brand-building nowadays. The HOdo Group transforms from the modes of production operation and assets operation to those of creation operation and industry and finance combination. It transforms itself from the domestic enterprise to the transnational corporation. It also attaches great importance to upgrading of industry and competitiveness. Including the knit vest product which has been produced since very beginning, the enterprise has developed three new products——clothing, rubber tires, biological pharmaceutical and real estate. Due to the shares of HOdo Group being listed in the Shanghai Stock Exchange in January, 2001, the enterprise began to conduct capital management. Now the HOdo Group owns 10 subsidiary corporations, one of which is the listed company. In addition to an industrial park covering 11.13 square kilometers in Cambodia, the HOdo Group has two subsidiary corporations in New York and Los Angeles and its products are exported to more than 20 countries and areas. The HOdo Group has won more than 200 honors above provincial level since 1991. HOdo brand won the Achievement Award of China’s Garment Brand, the highest honor of China National Garment Association Award in March, 2007. The HOdo Group was the first enterprise which got CSC 9000T Certification. On account of the excellent performance by the brilliant achievements in 2008, the HOdo Group proved one of the 16 advanced enterprises which adopted performance excellence model in the China’s textile industry in 2009. The HOdo Group, the only selected enterprise in Jiangsu province, was identified as the one of the first batch of model enterprises adopting the trademark strategy by the SAIC in June, 2010. The Party committee in the HOdo Group was elected as the advanced grass-roots Party organization nationwide in July, 2007. The HOdo Group won the CCTV’s Annual Brand in China in November, 2011. The technology Center of the HOdo Group was evaluated as the national technology center in May, 2012. As the unique enterprise in the textile and garment industry in China, the HOdo Group has the national technology center. The Hodo Group has spared no pains to develop its business since it was established. In the meanwhile, it strengthens the efforts to repay the society steadily. The Hodo Group’s donation to the country has amounted to 0.3 billion yuan in the past a few years and it has increased labour’s income in the corporate so that the business achievement can be shared with all the staff. The establishment of new mechanism for talents, technology, products, management and culture has been motive power for the future success of the enterprise. The HOdo Group has set up the project to absorb hundreds of talents to expand the business. Up to now, the HOdo Group has introduced more than 60 advanced talents both at home and abroad including the Korean chief inspector of design of menswear, and the Japanese planning supervisor of menswear commodities. The HOdo Group actively explore the the HOdo mode which combines the system of the modern enterprise and the enterprise’s Party building with the enterprise’s responsibility for society and it attracts wide attention and produces so much favorable comment from the public. The HOdo mode also makes the business management more scientific and standard. The systems such as taking up jobs through competition, talents’ selection by regulations make the enterprise vibrant. In recent years, the group has accelerated the transformation, upgrading and the building of the network system of brand chain-managing in order to get great sustaining power. In the future, the HOdo Group will continue to hold activities such as “the Chinese Valentine's Day——the Hodo’s Love Festival” to enhance its cultural value. The HOdo Group is eager to be the No.1 cultural brand and achieve the goal of its scale business, modernization, internalization, informationization, schoolization, and century-old transnational corporation.

紅豆男裝 紅豆男裝 [ 品牌中心 ]


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