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| | | |  2017-5-23 16:30

生產于2009 年的哲品,以「裝修設計出滿足如今人日常現在的居住方面水平的物件」為起步,將簡單化而不平凡的的產品帶去非常多人的平常日常現在的居住方面水平在日常現在的居住中。會發現日常現在的居住方面水平之美,讓非常多人享受到日常現在的居住方面水平之美。哲品用居住最主要的特點的裝修設計計算機語言,表達愛東方日常現在的居住方面水平觀念。

在沙灘笑魘如花的芳草坪下午,多了處文雅的棲身之所,這個,你會以細品喝荼,的體驗尤品新型家里的形象。In the sunlit afternoon at Parkview Green, there is now one more place for our guests to savor great tea and experience a brand new way for your life style.無比活,很簡潔 Life is not that complicated!

哲品家居飾品藝術創意運營總監 劉啟明Creative Director Ming Liu哲品家居建材設計高級顧問 Consultants of ZENS:

弗朗西思科·盧切斯、琚賓、黑川雅之Francesco Lucchese, Ju Bin, Masayuki Kurokawa

邁克爾·楊、王珂、連志明Michael Young, Wang Ke, Lian Zhiming如此統一性?它聚合深喑經典家庭過日子中智慧人生的的國家籍各教育領域設置師,以“容易”、“妙思”、“現下”為設置安全理念,創造出適合現下家庭過日子中的經典家庭過日子中儲物。ZENS does it by inviting numerous internationally renowned artists and designers to create lifestyle objects with the themes of  “simplicity”, “well-designed” and “contemporary”.

哲品阿姆斯特丹店以全國現代設置走入到世界里股票市場。杭州、鄭州、北京、廣州、舊金山、倫敦、倫敦、布魯塞爾、阿姆斯特丹等城市地區,都能看見哲品的蹤影和經歷店。全國現代科學創新設置得獎紅棉獎、談起德國的iF獎、談起德國的小血點獎的接二連三包攬,也是哲品設置力上的客觀注解。Committed to bring Chinese designs to the world, ZENS has locations at Beijing, Guanzhou,Shanghai, Shenzhen, San Francisco, New York, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam and more. Kapok Awards, iF, Red Dot awards are just a few of the awards ZEN Sobjects received as recognition of its works.哲品杭州旗艦級店駐進僑福芳草坪ZENS flagship store at Parkview Green總于,在這是二月,哲品在上海增設艦旗店,即日起加入僑福芳草原。在管理劍豪換裝中,感受設計的概念之美。Finally in this May, ZENS opens its Beijing flagship store at Parkview Green. We can now experience beauty of design in an artistic setting. 

不同教育引導時需方便適用,具備如今的功能需要,細節描寫又值當體念推敲。哲品的家里規劃品,要為你多體念。Easy on the go, these tea cup sets perfectly fit into our busy life style while bringing us a delicate tea experience. Objects at ZENS aim to bring you all that experiences through unique designs.

店內設計制作構思和磁盤分區別具杭州特色,不僅僅綜合運用哲品LOGO 終級圓弧輪廓線做設計制作構思重元素,幾乎還開啦一家現代咖啡飲品店。找不到繁縟冗雜的泡開結構類型,快飲中國現代好茶。輕快地的咖啡飲品經驗,邊品,邊查看各種荼具。The store is divided into different areas, combining the logo of ZENS as part of the interior design. It has also allocated a modern tea shop that brings visitors a nice cup of tea without the complicated tea-brewing steps. A relaxing tea tasting experience allows visitors a chance to test these tea cup sets. 

掛式的去旅游功夫茶具區,將新的居住玩法我們對你。去旅游與喝茶,都可以共生關系。乃至我們對你越來越美妙無比渾濁的體現。These hanging travel cup sets offer a new way of living. You can now travel and savora nice cup of tea at the same time!設計制作大師9月新番發布了Latest Master Pieces的生活藝術美的保障措施,出自于來構思構思師的巧思。哲品的來構思構思,不無世紀級來構思構思師的電視劇。新店啟幕之日,也受到了新的電視劇。The newness and fresh designs forever add beauty to our ordinary lives. ZENS designs are made by top international designers who have also enlightened us with new works for the opening of the new store. 1. 自成小派,π 杯裝好面世π GlassSet

π杯套組π Glass Set重塑以往茶葉茶的方法,哲品π 杯新創自動沖茶,隨走隨沖。極簡美麗的目前護殼,影響破舊的死板映像。更可以獲得2017 華燁iF設汁得獎。Zens π glassoverturns the traditional way of brewing tea by making it portable andbeautiful at the same time. The design received the iF design award in2017.  

這次招募了很多原創基地制定師,同食為π 殼穿上保護外衣。各類童心情景,等你們看到。五彩五彩的貓頭鷹,地心慢游,平面圖形立體式玩游戲等一等,一款個妙趣蕪雜的故事視頻已經在π殼上會出現。ZENS has invited several designers to come up with new looks for the classic glass. All the illustrative prints will be waiting for you at ZENS, including the colourful owls, geometric prints and more, all on each individual π glass.2. 黑川雅之 娥眉/滿月銀壺 Masayuki Kurokawa / Aphrodite Silver Kettle

是 俄羅斯國寶級的來制定方案制作的概念師,黑川雅之五直是工藝來制定方案制作的概念前沿技術中的大師作品,也是哲品家居家具來制定方案制作的概念高級顧問。這一次黑川雅之為哲品來制定方案制作的概念了二把純手工藝品做強的銀壺。三把刀「娥眉」,三把刀「滿月」。來制定方案制作的概念核心理念起源于對生命的意義、對月之前問題的諒解。A leading figure in Japanese art scene, Masayuki Kurokawa is undoubtedly a master in industrial design. He is also the consultant at ZENS. For ZENS, he has designed two handmade kettles, one as “New Moon” and the other as “Full Moon”, adding his philosophical thinking to the design as his interpretation of life and the moon. While the moon shines with changing shapes, its eternity is a contrast to the briefness of life. 

月有陰晴圓缺,但卻終古未變地孤懸高空吊籃。它喚起了用戶對神域的想,和對產品靈魂不久的贊美。隨時間流走,銀壺身體上會留給獨具特色的污跡,展示出比較有深度的的金屬光澤。從“滿月的永恒”到“云遮晦暗”,銀壺別有深味的變化如月亮和星星盈虧普遍討人哭泣。While the moon shines with changing shapes, its eternity is a contrast to the briefness of life. As time passes, each kettle will be fused with unique marks and patina. 3. Michael Young「竹」題材家用燈具Bamboo Lamps Series

來自于比利時的Michae lYoung,早是西方著名的極簡注意注意裝修設定者,拿獎許許多多,在今年芬蘭iF裝修設定年賽的大獎也被他創收囊中。觸及九州技術 二十多年的他,著實明白用世界上性的裝修設定語言表達容入九州技術 ,他也被行業內被視為最有「中國大裝修設定」說話權的比利時裝修設定者。British designer Michael Young is a long established designer known for minimalistic style. Already a receiver of numerous international design awards, he was awarded with the iF gold metal award this year. He is very familiar with the zen style of the East and is an expert in combining global design elements into the Eastern culture. He is termed as English designer with the most “Eastern” touch for his works.

旨在Michael Young 與哲品的合作了系自然淡雅、感動的家用燈具,以「竹」為身,這一個尤品主要的詩意的美學是什么標符,比較巧妙地嵌在了中式設置表達此中,為家寄給理性自然的竹林深處光暈。Michael Young has collaborated with ZENS in creating a series of elegant and heart-warming lamps made with bamboo, combining the poetic aesthetics incontemporary design vocabulary for each piece. 4. 故宮學歷x 哲品= 2 個型號最新產品 The Forbidden City Culture X ZENS

哲品與故宮人文精神合作關系面世了的兩個類別的去旅途陶瓷茶具套裝——「哲類別」去旅途陶瓷茶具套裝、《干里萬里江山圖》月影包里裝,令以往在每天的家庭日常生活里弘揚。ZENS has joined with Forbidden City Culture in presenting two collection of travel teasets - The Forbidden City Culture × ZENS Travel Tea Set  and A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains Mobile Moon Portable that will bring beauty into our daily rituals. 

「哲系列產品·得妙」去旅游茶器Enlightenment Travel Tea Set

「哲系例·正誼明道」旅途功夫茶具Selflessness & Vision Travel Tea Set「哲類型」茶器,共分二套,厚實守中,禪趣滿滿,分別是印到漢代乾隆帝帝所制章印「正誼明道」「平方安和」、漢代雍正皇帝帝的「得妙」章印,中正古香古色。至尊章印想帶先哲經世施政與修身舒適的養性的志趣理想的,與簡樸古香古色的壺兩相映襯,相輔相成。The Forbidden City Culture X ZENS travel tea sets include 3 sets, all are harmonious with a touch of zen. They are each printed with Enlightenment royal chops, making these tea sets classic and elegant. These royal messages are visionary and meaningful, perfectly complement the elegance of the tea sets. 

「哲國產·萬方檢測安和」出游功夫茶具Savoring Peace Travel Tea Set月影隨身攜帶裝,拎包即走,住即品。匹配氣勢磅礴的干里萬里江山市圖設備殼,有很大行遍萬里江山市的灑脫。Bring these along wherever you go. Stop whenever you feel like savoring the tea. The package printed with A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains on the Mobile Moon Portable adds a generous and adventurous mood to the tea set. 

《千里路萬里江山圖》月影自由裝Mobile Moon Portable當做我們世界十大傳奇世界名畫其中之一的《數千里路江城圖》,系北宋王希孟的佳作。已經流落百余年,在乾隆皇帝萬歷年間才被盈利宮中,筆法緊密,咫尺有數千里路之趣。Ranked as one of the top ten greatest artworks of China, A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains is a work of Wang Xi Meng from Song Dynasty. The artwork was in different hands for several hundred years before it became a part of the royal collection. The work is known for the extremely detailed and meticulous landscapes.

《數千里萬里江山圖》(部分)A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains(Part)來哲品,有很多你從來沒有沾染的衣食住行途徑。Come to ZENS. There are more ways to spice up your life here. 

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