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JAC女裝品牌2015春裝發布會Invite you to participate in

| | | |  2014-8-2 13:12

JAC by Jacqueline Conoir Spring 2015 goes International August26-27,JAC new spring 2015women's conference is about to curtain!  Invite sincerely to participate in.  9月26-27日,JAC女裝2015春裝發布新聞會即 :將拉開帷幕!邀請您前往參加。

JAC女裝品牌2015春裝發布會Invite you to participate in

  SPRING 15 INSPIRATION  The JAC Woman walks the street. This is where she feels free,confident and inspired to love life. While wondering, she is reminded  of the exceptional environment she lives in. Soaking in the beauty gives her a sense of freedom.  JAC的女人行走在在街道社區上,這就是一些讓她感覺到只有,有信心,因此尊重衣食住行的點。幾乎不顧一切都會在日歷提醒,她衣食住行在一些卓越的環鏡中用。

JAC休閑男裝品牌標志2015春裝發表會Invite you to participate in  The ambient sounds of people walking  and cars passing feed her passion for life. She exchanges an occasional smile with a stranger, takes a detour on the way home to sit on a bench to reflect.She gives herself time to just close the eyes and get lost in the moment.  就連消費者走動和車輛開了的嗓音都讓她表示生活的的澈情,不時和插肩經過的拒接人相視一眸。繞開鍛煉身體回家的說說的路,坐著路旁的長椅上想點憂傷,她給她自己的有一點時間段,只不過閉上眼精迷茫不一兩分鐘。

JAC女性服裝企業品牌2015春裝發布了會Invite you to participate in

JAC男裝高端品牌2015春裝發表會Invite you to participate in  New conference details:  Time:2014.8.26-2014.8.27  Location:Shi Xiang Road No.579,  Hangzhou Gongshu Haiwaihai  International Hotel  發布新聞會具體詳情:  時期:2014.8.26-2014.8.27  地點:寧波市拱墅區石祥路579號萌寶海時代國際酒店餐飲
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