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lolana羅拉娜 品牌簡介

    Lolana來源于于真美的夏威夷語,涵義“翩翩舞動的鳳蝶”。     2015的仲夏,全.球金融創新颶風肆虐全部整個時尚餐飲行業,剛離職的沙灘裝開發師Carina.moya靠在西雅圖南大小巷大街的漏天速溶咖啡店鋪里,對今后滿是很困惑的她盲目地畫一堆張一舉張的小說集,渾然不明白兩只蝴碟悄悄落在她的左后背。     眼瞅著豪無仙力的設定圖,正所處情愛創業雙失時的Carina這是變得的無助,她猛的抱起畫夾落淚不己,當她不斷心平氣和下來了,放下來畫夾時竟發掘兩只色彩明度色彩繽紛,異常的更美的孔雀被你壓死在畫版上,而這只孔雀競然是夏威夷穩定性珍貴的君主班蝶(Monach)!

    Lolana is a word derived from the beautiful Hawaiian language meaning dancing butterflies.
 It was in the summer of 2009, during the midst of the global financial crisis, Carina Moya, a recent unemployed fashion designer was outside of Caffe Luxxe in the streets of Los Angeles. As she was perusing through her portfolio and trying to find a way to put her life back together; an unassuming butterfly suddenly landed on her shoulder. All the while, despair overwhelmed her as she felt uninspired about her designs, jewelry, and future in fashion. Tears began to flow for what seemed like hours but she gathered herself and realized that the butterfly had died on her sketch book. It was a rare butterfly, it was the Hawaiian Monarch butterfly.

    As Carina stared intently at the butterfly’s trembling wings, something happened. Guilt washed over her but at the same time, she had her “wow” moment. This unassuming butterfly mesmerized her for the longest time. The world, even in midst of trials, still retains beauty and hope. Suddenly, she realized that this was the message she wants to bring to the world - for the sake of fashion, for the sake of women.     Right there in the City of Angels, Lolana was born. Through the life of a butterfly, Lolana’s collection wants to evoke hope, beauty and confidence for women all over the world. As of today, Lolana has already begun spreading this message with its collection exhibited in major fashion capitals throughout Europe and quickly becoming an indispensable element in the fashion world.

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PEARLY珮弗妮 PULINY普林尼 黃金珠寶
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